Archive for the ‘Statistics’ Category

What Machine Learning Papers to read …

Friday, July 13th, 2007

Laura just pointed me to this system, best described as:

I have a routine problem that sometimes paper titles are not enough to tell me what papers to read in recent conferences, and I often do not have time to read abstracts fully. This collection of scripts is designed to help alleviate the problem. Essentially, what it will do is compare what papers you like to cite with what new papers are citing. High overlap means the paper is probably relevant to you. Sure there are counter-examples, but overall I have found it useful (eg., it has suggested papers to me that are interesting that I would otherwise have missed). Of course, you should also read through titles since that is a somewhat orthogonal source of information.

I have the same problem. And wow… I will have a lot to read this weekend.

Back from AISTATS 2007

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

Just got back home from AISTATS (Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). The conference was really interesting (more so than NIPS) and it’s unfortunate that it is only every two years. Some of the invited talks were way over my head, but I learned a lot from other people’s work and got new ideas …

Some of the coolest papers were (incomplete list and in no particular order; I need to organize my notes 🙂 But there were way more papers of interest to me than at NIPS):

  1. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction as Information Retrieval
    • Venna Jarkko and Samuel Kaski
  2. Fast Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming for Embedding and Clustering
    • Brian Kulis, Arun Surendran, and John C. Platt
  3. Local and global sparse Gaussian process approximations
    • Edward Snelson, Zoubin Ghahramani
  4. A fast algorithm for learning large scale preference relations
    • Vikas Raykar, Ramani Duraiswami, and Balaji Krishnapuram
  5. Deep Belief Networks
    • Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
  6. Large-Margin Classification in Banach Spaces
    • Ricky Der and Daniel Lee

One thing that couldn’t help but notice was how much research is now focusing on Semi-Definite Programs, either for dimensionality reduction or other purposes. Yet, there are not many efficient ways to compute SDPs. One paper presented a method based on quasi-Newton gradient descent, but it’s probably not good enough yet for large problems.

Other interesting papers I saw was about the unsupervised deep belief nets that learns a structure of the data which results in an interesting performance boost. The authors train a deep belief net (unsupervised) on the data and then train classifiers on the output; although all the results were compared to only linear techniques, they showed some impressive results. This reminded me of a similar idea I had a while ago that I never got to work; I tried to use label propagation methods to approximate a kernel matrix usable for SVMs and the like. It never worked, because my algorithm caused the SVMs to always overfit (despite being unsupervised – it took me a while to realize that doing something unsupervised is no guarantee that you won’t overfit your data). I’ll investigate some day what made all the difference in this case…

Another interesting bit was that approximating the Matrix Inverse by low-rank approximations leads to significant loss of accuracy for Gaussian Processes Error bars. This should be interesting for further research in the speedups for these and other algorithms that require a matrix inversion (e.g. semi-supervised label propagation algorithms).

Validating patterns found by Data Mining techniques

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

I just read in the news about a study that showed with data mining that libras live longer (study from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Toronto). These guys did a study for fun using data from 10 million Ontario residents looking for associations between various health problems and their astrological signs. And they actually found associations! Each of the twelve astrological signs had at least two medical disorders associated with them. However, they were not able to replicate it when looking for the same pattern in the hold-out set.

This is a nice example of why it is important to have a hold-out set, or ideally to try to redo a study with a different method on a different set of similar data. A couple of other methods for validating have been proposed which are harder to do. In my data mining work with Tim we have used a cross-replication and cluster validation design from the book “Classification” by Gordon (1999). The original method (I think) was proposed by McIntyre and Blashfield (“A nearest-Centroid technique for evaluating the minimum variance clustering procedure”, Multivariate Behavioral Research 15, 1980; see also Milligan 1996 “Clustering Validation: results and implications for applied analysis, in “Clustering and Classification”; eds. Arabie, Hubert and De Soete, World Scientific, Singapore, p. 341). What I particularly like about the method is that it can be used to quantify in numbers “how much” of a replication you got. The method works like this:

  • Divide the data randomly into two subsets
  • Do your exploratory clustering work on set A, partitioning it into k many clusters
  • Use a classifier (Nearest Neighbor for example) to assign each object in B to each discovered cluster
  • Use the same clustering procedure on B, partitioning it into k many clusters
  • Compare the two labelings obtained for B (the classification and clustering) in a cross-tabulation, compute a kappa-coefficient

Given our tendency to find patterns in data (or see shapes in clouds) I think it is important to use a procedure like the above to double-check the patterns discovered before any important decisions are made.

Artificial Intelligence and Sports

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

A couple of days ago Indianapolis won the Superbowl – just as predicted by an Electronic Arts Simulation. The simulation software had been fed with the latest data about all the players involved and they had the game AI fight it out. In the past some of the simulated outcomes were not that close to the final scores, but they still did a fairly decent job in 2005 and 2007.

There is more and more statistical decision making in baseball as well, the most famous example being the Miami-Orlando series in the 1997 playoffs.


Sequential Sampling and Machine Learning

Monday, January 8th, 2007

In order to estimate an unknown quantity mu a common approach is to design an experiment that results in a random variable Z distributed within the interval [0,1]. The expectation E[Z]=ÎĽ can then be estimated by running this experiment independently, averaging the outcomes, and using Monte-Carlo techniques for the estimate. In (Dagum, Karp, Luby and Ross, SIAM Computing,1995) the AA algorithm (“Approximation Algorithm”) is introduced which, given epsilon and delta and independent experiments for the random variable Z, produces an estimate of the mean (or the true expectation) that is within the factor of 1+ε of ÎĽ with probability of success of at least 1-δ. Note that there are no distributional assumptions by the algorithm. This has a couple of applications in machine learning, for example in Bayesian Inference, Bayesian Networks and Boosting (Domingo and Watanabe, PAC-KDD, 2000).

The AA algorithm works in three steps. First, the stopping rule computes an initial estimate of the mean. Then, the variance is determined and, in the third step, additional samples are taken to approximate the expectation even further. A small improvement for the stopping rule in step one can be made as follows. The algorithm assumes a non-zero expectation and keeps sampling until the sum of the elements is larger than a constant determined by epsilon and delta (read the paper to see why that works). The problem is that the closer the elements are to zero, the more elements are needed.

Observe that the following holds for the mean:

With that one can improve the stopping rule as follows:

P.S.: To type Greek letters into WordPress use the html named entities such as ε for ε. That took me forever …

Online Dating

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

As I’m currently visiting Germany over the winter break, I couldn’t help but notice the advertising for an online dating website here. They spend a lot of money to get this stuff into peoples heads here. I’ve seen some of that stuff advertised in the US (such as and TRUE) so for the hell of it I went and checked out the website. First thing I noticed is that they require you to create an account to see peoples pictures or browse more than a couple of pages in the search results. That, of course, leads to many many stale profiles from people that just want to window-shop and are not really interested in giving it a serious try. To interested parties (i.e. people that pay) this of course might look like there are so many members on the website that it might be worth paying for.

It just helps add to my impression after reading about Bad Experiences with canceling accounts, which gives a not-so-honorable mention to certain US based dating websites. Apparently you can’t just cancel your membership using the website, but have to take a phone-exit interview. Otherwise, your profile will be kept and your credit card will be continue to be charged. It seems that dating websites are forced to keep people active as long as possible (or at least keep up the illusion). The reason for this might be less mean-spirited than one would at first assume. For example, just to have a couple of thousand people in each major city of the US a dating website would have to have roughly 100.000 active members. That is tough to accomplish, esp. given that without the illusion of activity nobody else would join.

With all that said, a friend of mine found his girlfriend through the Denver Personals on Craigslist. It can work.

Random Number Books

Sunday, October 15th, 2006

A friend of mine just pointed me to the book of A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates. It’s a book full of random numbers from back in the days when random number generation was hard. However, check out the reviews at Amazon of the book. They are hilarious.

Las Vegas and Roulette

Sunday, September 17th, 2006

I just got back from a brief stay in Las Vegas. I didn’t gamble, but got thinking about the game of Roulette. Obviously all the games that are played rely on unpredictability in one way or another and require real randomness, just like many cryptography applications such as SSL. If the state of, say the deck of cards in a black jack game would be known, the outcome becomes predictable (see also: cracking the Netscape SSL random number generator). The black jack card counting thing is getting old (and I noticed that they cut the deck of cards and throw away a number of cards – which leaves the gambles with no information what cards are now in the deck), but recently I read about people using a laser scanner to predict the roulette wheel outcome. An interesting bit I noticed was how Roulette is played differently here in the US. Besides that there are two zeros on the table (giving the bank an even greater chance to win) the croupier changes the spin of the wheel (he/she stops the wheel and starts spinning it again) and puts the little ball in after all the bets have been made. I recall that in Europe they spin the wheel and put the ball in and then allow for bets being made for a certain amount of time. That certainly makes it impossible to predict anything at all at the time of betting (unless the wheel would be biased somehow, say by a slight tilt). Also the displays that show the last couple of numbers seem to malfunction occasionally and display the wrong numbers. I guess the only way to win in a casino would be if any of their “random number generators” were unbeknownst to them were not truly random – but then again they won’t like it if people win.

Funny sidenote… you can find amazing, “infallable” Roulette Systems on the web for only $27 🙂 Then there others that are available for free. For example, the pivot system. The inventor claims that :”It is a fact that numbers on a roulette wheel tend to repeat often.” Some of them might even work (play simple chances, double your bet everytime you loose) assuming that there would be no limit at the table (and ignoring that the house still has an edge).