I had written a post about the issues of converting models into something that is usable in production environments as most stats-packages don’t have friendly interfaces to integrate them into the flow of processing data. I worked on a similar problem involving a script written in SAS recently. To be specific, some code for computing a risk-score in SAS had to be converted into Java and I was confronted with having to figure out the semantics of SAS code. I found a software to convert SAS code into Java and I have to say I was quite impressed with how well it worked. Converting one language (especially one for which there is no published grammar or other specification) into another is quite a task – after a bit of back and forth with support we got our code converted and the Java code worked on the first try. I wish there would be similar converter for STATA, R and SPSS 🙂
Archive for the ‘Data Mining’ Category
Deploying SAS code in production
Saturday, November 1st, 2008Can statistical models be intellectual property?
Monday, September 1st, 2008Recently I had a fun discussion with Bill over lunch about intellectual property and how that might apply to statistical modeling work. Given that there are more and more companies making a living from forming predictions with a model they have built (churn-prediction, credit-scores and other risk-models) we were wondering if there were any means of protecting them as intellectual property. For example, the ZETA-model for predicting corporate bankruptcies is a closely guarded secret with having published only the variables being used (Altman E. I. (2000); Predicting financial distress for companies: revisiting the Z-Score and ZETA models). Obviously this model is useful for lending and can make serious money for the user. Making decisions guided by a formula is becoming more popular. This might be something over which legal battles will be fought in the future.
Copyrighted works and patents often count towards what a company would be worth should somebody acquire it. This means there would be motivation for start-up companies to protect their models. A mathematical formula (e.g. a regression equation) cannot be patented, and copyright probably won’t apply either; even if copyright would apply, it’s trivial to build a formula that does essentially the same thing (e.g. multiply all the weights in the formula by 10). This leaves only trade secret protection and means there is no recourse once the cat is out of the bag. Often it’s also the data-collection method that is kept secret – a company called Epagogix developed a method to judge the success of movies from a script by scoring it against some scales that they keep secret.
Currently, I don’t see any legal protections with the exception of trade-secrets for this. And given that there is infinitely many ways to express the same scoring rules in a different way, this would be a fairly hard problem for lawyers and politicians to formulate sensible rules for establishing protection for this kind of intellectual property.
Taxons, Taxometrics and the Number of Clusters
Thursday, August 21st, 2008In a survey-paper various methods for finding the number of clusters were compared (Dimitriadou et.al, An Examination of Indexes for Determining the Number of Clusters in Binary Data Sets, Psychometrika, 2002) – and there are plenty of methods. None of them work all the time. Finding the right number of clusters has been an open problem for quite a while and also depends on the application, e.g. if more fine or course grained clusters are of interest.
A similar problem occurs in psychopathology. Imagine some measurements taken from several people – some with and some without a mental illness. The question then becomes: are there two clusters or just one? Is the data simply continuous or generated by a latent Bernoulli distribution? There is a whole bunch of literature out there dealing with the same problem from the psychology standpoint (for example: Schmidt, Kotov, Joiner, “Taxometrics – Towards a New Diagnostic Scheme for Psychopathology“, American Psychological Association) One of the more famous researchers is Paul Meehl, who developed a couple of methods to detect a taxon in data. The MAXCOV-HITMAX invented by Paul Meehl is for the detection of latent taxonic structures (i.e., structures in which the latent variable is not continuously, but rather Bernoulli, distributed).
My problem with Meehl’s methods (MAMBAC, MAXCOV, MAXEIG etc.) is that in all the articles only an intuitive explanation is given. Despite being a mathematical method there were no clear definitions of what the method will consider to be a taxon, or any necessary/sufficient conditions on when the algorithm will detect a taxon. Zoologists for example have entire conferences on how to classify species and go through a lot of painful details on how to properly classify species. They have, it seems, endless debates on what constitutes a new species in the taxonomy. However, I still wasn’t able to find a mathematical definition of what constitutes a taxon.
In addition to that, there seems to be some problems when using MAXCOV with dichotomous indicators (Maruan et.al, An Analysis of Meehl’s MAXCOV-HITMAX Procedure for the Case of Dichotomous Indicators, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol. 38, Issue 1 Jan. 2003); in this article they pretty much take the entire procedure apart and show that it often fails to indicate taxons when they are there or indicates taxons when there is nothing.
I think the question of finding a taxon is strongly related to clustering, because it simply tries to answer if clusters exist in the data. However, from all the clustering literature I’ve read so far, clusters are generally defined as dense areas in a space and are found in various ways by maximizing or minimizing some criterion (mutual information etc.). What constitutes a cluster is often conveniently defined so it fits the algorithm at hand. And then you still have to deal with or at least acknowledge the fact that the current notion of clustering has been proven to be impossible (An Impossibility Theorem for Clustering; Kleinberg; NIPS 15).
In a new paper in Machine Learning called Generalization from Observed to Unobserved Features by Clustering (Krupka&Tishby; JMLR 9(Mar):339–370, 2008) the authors describe an idea that might change the way we view clustering. In the paper they show that (under certain conditions) given a clustering based on some features the items will be implicitly clustered by yet unobserved features as well. As an intuitive example, imagine apples, oranges and bananas clustered by shape, color, size, weight etc. Once you have them clustered, you will be able to draw conclusions about a yet unobserved feature, e.g. the vitamin content. The work, because it is oriented on the features, might even be a way around the impossibility-theorem.
This is half-way there for a nicer definition of a taxon or what should constitute a cluster for that matter: can we draw conclusions about features not used for the clustering process? If you are clustering documents by topic (using bag-of-words), can you predict which other words will appear in the article? If you cluster genes, can you predict other genes from the cluster-membership?
Re-clustering on only a subset of the features should also be a sanity check for clustering solutions (I had written about the McIntyre-Blashfield procedure and validating clustering solutions before). I think strong patterns should replicate with less features; at least they did in a clustering-study I did recently 🙂 .
I’ll be pondering this idea and try formalizing it. Maybe I can come up with something usable for taxometrics and a means to get the number of clusters…
Debugging and Evaluating Predictive Models
Sunday, June 22nd, 2008Speaking of the recent revelation that Moody’s mis-rated CPDOs due to a computer glitch (see also here) it is quite tricky to get models right from construction to production. Interestingly S&P, which gave identical ratings on many of them, stands by their independently developed model and makes me wonder how much models are tested in practice. This made me wonder if I would catch whatever bug while moving a model into production.
Most of the data-mining and modeling work is done in your favorite stats-package (SPSS, SAS etc.), but in production use people have to re-implement whichever equation they came up with to produce their risk-scores. When I’m doing Data Mining work I often use different tools from different authors or vendors to get the job done, as not every single one tool can do everything that I need. For example, I have had a lot of success with predictive modeling using Support Vector Machines. Some newer algorithms I have implemented in Matlab myself. That means I spend a lot of time converting data back and forth between different software (e.g. indicating a missing value). I usually do this with some Perl-scripts I wrote, but the entire process is error prone, especially given that the final model then has to be codified in some other language (Java, C, C#/.Net or whatever) so it can be incorporated into the projects software. It takes a while to get it right, because more often than not an error is not obvious (read: I had bad experiences with subtle errors during black-box testing). The following is my check-list for debugging the process (probably not complete to catch everything):
- Do the results mean what you think they mean? What values for classification are good or bad? (big/small scores, or +1/-1 …)
- Features: when exporting/importing the data, is the order of the features the same? Is the classification label in the right place? This is a lot of fun when you export stuff from SPSS/R/STATA to Matlab (which does not support named-columns in a matrix – better get all those indexes right)
- Where missing values treated the right way when building the model? There are many ways to deal with them, and you might have either case of MAR (“missing at random”), MCAR (“missing completely at random”), NMAR (“not missing at random”), non-response and imputation (single and multiple) etc.
- Did I deal with special values correctly? I’m not talking about the NULL value in the database, but “flag-values” such as 999 etc. to indicate a certain condition
- When exporting/importing data, are special values (e.g. missing, flag and categorical values) handled correctly? Every program encodes them differently, especially when you use comma separated text (csv)
- Is the scaling of the data the same? Are the scaled values of the new data larger/smaller than what the classifier was trained on? How are these cases handled?
- Are the algorithm parameters the same, e.g. a kernel-sigma in a support vector model?
- Is the new data from the same distribution? (When I hear “similar”, then it usually does not work in my experience 🙂 ) Check mean and variance for a start. Sometimes the difference can be subtle (e.g. a male-only model applied to females; this can work, depending on what was modeled). Was the data extracted the same way with the same SQL query? Was the query translated correctly into SQL? Was the result prepared the same way (recodes, scaling)?
- In my code I check for each attribute if it is within the range of my training set. If not, then it’s either a bug (scaling?) or the model can’t reliably predict for this case.
- Some simple test-cases, computed with your Stats-Package and your production code. I had a lot of success with White-Box tests in testing recode-tables etc.
As for the model evaluation I’ve read some reports in the past (not financial scorings, though) were testing was done on the training set. Obviously model quality should be assessed on a hold-out data set that has not been used for training or parameter tuning. Model quality in the machine learning community is still often evaluated using error-rate, but lately Area under the Receiver-Operator Characteristic has become popular (often abbreviated as AuROC, AUROC, AROC or ROC), which I found to be especially useful for imbalanced datasets. In Meteorology a lot of thought has been placed into the evaluation and comparison of the performance of different predictive models. Wilks Cost-Curves and Brier Skill-Scores look really interesting. In some models, although the predictor is trained on a dichotomous variable, is really predicting some risk over time – and should be evaluated using survival analysis (e.g. higher risk-scores should lead to sooner failure etc.). In survival analysis a different version of the AuROC is used called the concordance index. I’ll post some of my thoughts on all the evaluation scores some time in the future.
Back from NIPS 2007
Tuesday, December 11th, 2007Just got back home from NIPS. The following papers I found pretty interesting:
- Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines
- On Ranking in Survival Analysis: Bounds on the Concordance Index
- Efficient Inference for Distributions on Permutations
The workshop time I spend in the Learning Problem design and in the Security workshop. I also dropped by in “statistical networks” briefly, but there’s room for improvement in my current understanding of Gibbs sampling and the like. The consensus in the problem design workshop seemed to be that machine learning must become more modular. Also there was agreement that the application of machine learning in the real world requires some magic for transforming the problem into “features” and some more magic for transforming the prediction into something useful. It was stating the obvious a bit, however not much progress has been made in this area of making ML more accessible. I wrote about choosing the right features before, but currently it’s more of an art than a science. One thing I took from the security workshop was that features must be easily constructed (most detection apps must run in real-time). This means we are interested in features the attacker can hardly influence (think received-headers in Spam-emails that can not be suppressed), yet they must be easily to compute.
Also really cool was the “NIPS Elevator Process” joke-paper about hungry scientists on the way to lunch (don’t confuse it with the Chinese restaurant process) and the party crashers at the Gatsby party. Sophie and some friends of hers simply joined the fun. The fun part was people taking her random answers for her research topic seriously 🙂 I got mistaken for one of the party crashers at one point, because I didn’t fit in with my clothing. I was actually planning on hitting a club in downtown Whistler, but didn’t get around to go in the end…
Human Intuition vs. Statistical Models
Saturday, August 25th, 2007I just came across a very interesting book announcement for “Super Crunchers: Why Thinking-by-Numbers Is the New Way to Be Smart” by Ian Ayres, a professor Yale Law School and econometrician. In the book (I haven’t read it yet, but I will) the author argues that intuition is losing ground to statistical methods and data mining. According to the Amazon abstract he gives examples from the airline industry, medical diagnostics and even online dating services showing that a statistical model will outperform human intuition.
That machines can outperform human judgement has been known for quite some time. For example, in the field of psychology the diagnosis of mental disorders is more or less standardized by them DSM. There was a very interesting meta-analysis that showed that a mechanical predictor always outperformed the human psychologist. To be specific: Grove, W.M., Zald, D.H., Hallberg, A.M., Lebow, B., Snitz, E., & Nelson, C. (2000). Clinical versus mechanical prediction: A meta-analysis. Psychological Assessment, 12, 19–30. To quote from the Abstract: “On average, mechanical-prediction techniques were about 10% more accurate than clinical predictions. Depending on the specific analysis, mechanical prediction substantially outperformed clinical prediction in 33%-47% of studies examined. Although clinical predictions were often as accurate as mechanical predictions, in only a few studies (6%-16%) were they substantially more accurate. Superiority for mechanical-prediction techniques was consistent, regardless of the judgment task, type of judges, judges’ amounts of experience, or the types of data being combined.”
I’m a little bit skeptical about using data crunching to decide important questions (as in life and death questions). In general it seems like a good idea, but it always comes down to how you model the data and how you model the question to be answered. In many cases this might be obvious, in others not so much. The art is then to model the data, not the application of the algorithm or technique. It reminds me a bit of a class about formal program verification I took back in Darmstadt. Stefan, the TA of the class, and I had an argument about the use of practicability of program verification. He gave the unix find utility as an example for which you can show – more or less – easily that the program will terminate while enumerating all the files in all the directories in the system, and how find can be nicely modeled with a well-founded relation to show the termination of the algorithm. I objected that I could set a symbolic link to a uper-level directory (which is why find does not by default follow them) and could make find go in circles. Stefan conceded, “Oh well, I guess then the model was wrong…”. Similar things have happened in e.g. Cryptography, where a finite-state model (sorry, lost the citation somewhere; I’m not quite sure if that was the Usenix paper from the Stanford guys I read or something else) showed that the SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer) is secure. Later the protocol was broken nonetheless (Schneier, Bruce; Wagner, David; Analysis of the SSL 3.0 protocol).
I think that with the wrong model you can show a lot of good things about anything. Once you abstract from the real world and build a model you might just have ignored that little most important feature. Maybe it is time for a best-practices in data modeling and data mining (there are already some books out there for some specific domains) …
Modeling Tree Structures and Hierarchies in a Data Warehouse
Friday, July 20th, 2007I’m currently reading a book about Data Warehouse design (“Mastering Data Warehouse Design”, Claudia Imhoff, Nicholas Galemmo and Jonathan Geiger, Wiley). One thing I noticed is the incredibly inefficient way the authors encode trees in relational databases. Their suggestion is to model it with “pointers” to child-nodes which is incredibly inefficient to deal with in SQL, leads to recursive queries (unless proprietary SQL extensions are used) and you’ll have to write loads of self-joins. A much better way of encoding trees in SQL is based on nested sets. However, it always depends on what kind of queries you will run later. According to the book, those would be listing elements on the same level of the tree as well as retrieving sub-trees. This is something that I think is still kind of painful when using nested sets.
Here is my favorite solution for encoding trees in SQL:
MyKey | FatherNode | Length |
A | 1 | |
AA | A | 2 |
AB | A | 2 |
AAA | AA | 3 |
AAB | AA | 3 |
ABA | AB | 3 |
ABB | AB | 3 |
So key A is the root, AA and AB are child-nodes of A, AAA and AAB are child-nodes of AA, and so on. The cool part is traversing the tree on one level is easy due to the length-field and selecting subtrees is easy as well using the like-operator, which moves all the hard work into the B-Tree index. Inserting a new node is simpler than with set-based trees for which in the worst case you might have to increase the left/right numbers at a couple of other nodes. The path to each node is always fully known. Traversing the tree in DFS comes for free by lexicographical ordering of the keys with an “order by” clause. BFS is available when ordered by “length.FatherNode”. One operation the nested sets can do faster is determining the number child-nodes just with a bit of math. Either way I think this idea is way more efficient than the one proposed in the book 🙂
Edit: I just found a book that is full of patterns for modeling the most common structures in relational databases: “SQL for Smarties – Advanced SQL Programming” by Joe Celko (who also wrote the article about the nested-set method for trees). It contains various graph problems and how to manage them in relational databases. Looks interesting…
Text Mining for Tax Evaders on eBay
Tuesday, June 12th, 2007A (long) while ago there was a lot of talk about the IRS doing text-mining for people that did not report income they got from e.g. ebay internet auctions. The German version of this attempt is called XPIDER (see also here and there) was just shown to be totally ineffective. After years of trying and spending millions they did not identify conclusive evidence to go after a single tax-evader. The German GAO (Bundesrechnungshof) is trying to find out what went wrong, why and who misspend all that money. I wonder if the more sophisticated web-crawling program the Canadian IRS is using (it’s called XENON as reported by Wired) is similarly effective …
Choosing the right features for Data Mining
Friday, June 1st, 2007I’m fascinated by a common problem in data mining: how do you pick variables that are indicative of what you are trying to predict? It is simple for many prediction tasks; if you are predicting some strength of a material, you sample it at certain points using your using your understanding of physics and material sciences. It is more fascinating with problems that we would believe to understand, but don’t. For example, what makes a restaurant successful and guarantees repeat business? The food? The pricing? A friendly wait-staff? Turns out a very big indicator for restaurant success is the lighting. I admit that lighting didn’t make it into my top ten list… If you now consider what is asked on your average “are you satisfied with our service” questionnaire you can find in a various restaurant chains, then I don’t recall seeing anything about the ambiente on it. We are asking the wrong questions.
There are many other problems in real life just like this. I read a book called Blink and the point the author is trying to make is that making subconscious decisions are easy to make – once you know what to look for. More information is not always better. This holds for difficult problems such as judging the effectiveness of teachers (IIRC seeing the first 30 seconds of a videotape of him/her entering a classroom is as indicative as watching hours of recorded lectures). Same holds true for prediction problems about relationships – how can you predict if a couple will still be together 15 years later? Turns out there are four simple indicators to look for, and you can do it in maybe 2 minutes of watching a couple… The book is full of examples like that, but does not provide a way to “extract the right features”. I have similar problems with the criminology stuff I’m working on; while we get pretty good results using features suggested by the criminology literature I’m wondering if we have the right features. I’m still thinking that we could improve our results if we had more data – or the “right” data I should say (it should be obvious that more is not better by now). How do you pick the features for problems? Tricky question…
There is only data mining system that does not have this problems: recommender systems. Using recommender systems can avoid the problem as they do not rely on particular features to predict, but exploit correlations in “liking”. A classical example was that people that like classical music often like jazz as well – something you wouldn’t easily be able to predict from features you extract from the music. I wonder if we could reframe some prediction problems in ways more similar to recommender systems, or maybe make better use of meta-information in certain problems. What I mean with “meta-information” is easily explained with an example: Pagerank. It is so successful in web-scale information retrieval because it does not bother with trying to figure out if a page is relevant by keyword ratios and what not, but simply measuring the popularity by how many important pages link to it (before link-spam became a problem that is). I wish something simple like that would be possible for every problem 🙂
Validating patterns found by Data Mining techniques
Thursday, February 22nd, 2007I just read in the news about a study that showed with data mining that libras live longer (study from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Toronto). These guys did a study for fun using data from 10 million Ontario residents looking for associations between various health problems and their astrological signs. And they actually found associations! Each of the twelve astrological signs had at least two medical disorders associated with them. However, they were not able to replicate it when looking for the same pattern in the hold-out set.
This is a nice example of why it is important to have a hold-out set, or ideally to try to redo a study with a different method on a different set of similar data. A couple of other methods for validating have been proposed which are harder to do. In my data mining work with Tim we have used a cross-replication and cluster validation design from the book “Classification” by Gordon (1999). The original method (I think) was proposed by McIntyre and Blashfield (“A nearest-Centroid technique for evaluating the minimum variance clustering procedure”, Multivariate Behavioral Research 15, 1980; see also Milligan 1996 “Clustering Validation: results and implications for applied analysis, in “Clustering and Classification”; eds. Arabie, Hubert and De Soete, World Scientific, Singapore, p. 341). What I particularly like about the method is that it can be used to quantify in numbers “how much” of a replication you got. The method works like this:
- Divide the data randomly into two subsets
- Do your exploratory clustering work on set A, partitioning it into k many clusters
- Use a classifier (Nearest Neighbor for example) to assign each object in B to each discovered cluster
- Use the same clustering procedure on B, partitioning it into k many clusters
- Compare the two labelings obtained for B (the classification and clustering) in a cross-tabulation, compute a kappa-coefficient
Given our tendency to find patterns in data (or see shapes in clouds) I think it is important to use a procedure like the above to double-check the patterns discovered before any important decisions are made.