Last night I was out with a couple of friends at our favorite club. I had the time of my life and met some interesting new people. When we left the club, a girl got hit by a car right in front of our eyes. I’ve seen quite a bit of “shit going down” in my life now (3 fires, one guy getting beat up in an alley, 2 times one or more people getting hit by a car, once getting hit by a car myself) and what I find interesting is the different reactions by people. Last night some guys freaked, some were calm, some tried to help, some girls just started crying. Most people just stared in some kind of apathy and did nothing. Some “tough guys”, who I wouldn’t have expected that from, freaked out. In all the instances I’ve been involved with I’ve stayed calm and just did what was necessary (including the one where I got hit). That said, 911 operators are kinda slow – why do they ask if the person hit by the car is OK when I already told them that the person is seriously injured? What a weird end for a good night – I’m still shaking a bit…